

This last week we adopted two adorable male kittens. We brought them home to our household of two males and five females. Our few days of kittenhood have involved countless hours of cuddly, playing, cajoling, and carting around the brothers. They came litter box trained, though they’ve missed getting to it a couple times. We think they are between six and eight weeks old. It’s hard to be certain since they were abandoned in a parking lot. Left in a crate with their young momma and two other siblings…  This part of their story sucked us in to wanting to provide a home for them.

Mind you, we had come up to this crossroads at a couple different instances in the last several years, but said no, and kept walking our previously chosen path of owning one cat. This time, however, we made the fatal mistake of playing with the kittens. We saw how cuddly, playful, and down right adorable these little guys were, and we found it impossible to turn back…. Now you can see why!  IMG_0628

Aren’t they cuties?!?! 🙂 Our sixteen year old cat doesn’t think so, but we are working with her. The bunnies and kittens have seen and sniffed each other, but have yet to play at the same time. The kittens, Toby and Freddy, seemed interested in Charlie, our boy bunny, but a bit terrified of Mazel, our female bunny, though for good reason. She’s twice their size!

IMG_0629IMG_0630Charlie (right side photo) is a small black and white dwarf bunny. He loves to run in this cage, and hop like a mad bunny when given the opportunity to roam free.

Mazel is a golden large bunny. We aren’t sure of either bunny’s age as like the kittens, the bunnies were also rescued from the streets. While difficult to discern from this pictures, trust me when I say Mazel is twice the size of the kittens, and Charlie for that matter.

Many adventures lay before us, and we look forward to sharing more of them here with you!

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